LUFFT WS601-UMB Smart Weather Sensor – Temperature, Relative Humidity, Precipitation, Air Pressure, Wind, Electronic Compass
The Lufft WS601-UMB Smart Weather Sensor for measuring air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, air pressure, wind direction and wind speed. Optionally, the WS601-UMB can be equipped with a leaf wetness sensor in addition. Precipitation is measured by a tipping spoon and tipping bucket processes. The flexible tipping bucket allows a 0.2mm or a 0.5mm resolution of the rainfall. Ultrasonic sensor technology is used to take wind measurements. Measurement output can be accessed by the following protocols: UMB-Binary, UMB-ASCII, SDI-12, MODBUS. One external temperature sensor or leaf wetness sensor is connectable.
Download the Lufft Product Overview brochure to view all the sensor in their range. Available to RENT or BUY.