Data Loggers & Software
Trelia Converge
Trelia Converge provides new capability and flexibility in the way you interact with your monitoring equipment and data, with the ability to -
Flow & Velocity
Durag D-FL 220 Volume Flow Measuring System
For continuous, contactless volume flow measurement in dry and humid gases. Reliable, even under demanding operating conditions. Applicatio -
Flow & Velocity
Durag D-FL 100 Volume Flow Measuring System
The DURAG D-FL 100 provides a suitability-tested and certified impact pressure system to measure velocity and volume flow of dry flue gas or -
Dust & Particulate Monitors
Dynacharge PM 1 Pro
The Auburn Filtersense DynaCHARGETM PM 1 PRO is the benchmark for reliability and features in a standard particulate monitor and leak/flow d -
Dust & Particulate Monitors
Dynacharge PM 1
DynaCHARGE™ PM 1 delivers continuous particulate flow and emissions monitoring at a cost-efficient price point. These affordable monitors -
Dust & Particulate Monitors
Dynacharge PS 10
Auburn FilterSense PS Series particulate sensors are unique, robust, passive sensors that connect to DynaCHARGETM and B-PACTM control units. -
Gas Monitors
TES Continuous Emissions Systems for VOC’s
TES offer Continuous Emissions Systems for VOC monitoring in industrial applications such as chemical processing plants, incinerators, petro -
Gas Monitors
TES Direct Extractive Gaseous CEMS
Thomson Environmental Systems specialise in custom-designed and made Continuous Emissions Monitoring systems. Direct Extract Gaseous CEMS -
Gas Monitors
TES Dilution Extractive Gaseous CEMS
A small sample is drawn from the stack and is diluted before passing through the various system components. As a result of the dilution proc -
4000 Series Gas Chromatograph
The 4000 Series GC leverages state-of-the-art Chromperfect® operating software to virtually eliminate mis-identification and drastically re -
Gas Monitors
Gas Sample Dilution Probe SP2000-H/DIL
The electrically heated M&C dilution probe is used in processes where the measuring procedure or the handling of the process gas require -
Gas Monitors
Gas Sample Probe SP2000-H
Gas sample probe type SP2000‑H with external ceramic filter type S‑2K150, filter porosity: 2 µm, with electrically heated external filt -
Dust & Particulate Monitors
LaserHawk 360 Particulate Monitor
The heart of the Laserhawk® Dust Monitor is an electronically modulated (2400Hz), intensity controlled solid-state red laser located in the -
Dust & Particulate Monitors
Lighthawk Model 560 Opacity/Dust Monitor
TML's LightHawk® Opacity/Dust Monitor offers advanced technology for outstanding performance and reliability as an opacity, optical density -
The Series 2000 represents a complete line of Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD) based analyzers which can be applied in a wide range of ap
The Model 4020 uses a field-proven FID detector to measure THC in various streams. This instrument is ideal for monitoring hydrocarbon conta
The Model 4030 uses a field proven FID detector in a heated chamber. The chamber is heated to a high temperature to meet US EPA requirements
Gas Monitors
Oxygen Sensors
Sensors for Oxygen Analyzers Class Part Number Application Warranty A-2C C06689-A2C -
Gas Monitors
Portable Gas Sample Probe PSP4000-H
Portable gas sample probe type PSP4000‑H with external ceramic filter type S‑2K, filter porosity: 2 µm, electrically heated external fi -
Gas Monitors
Teledyne Falcon Ultrafast Gas Chromatograph
Teledyne Falcon UltraFast Gas Chromatograph is Faster, Smaller, Smarter, Easier and Greener Speed and Small footprint With analytical cycl -
Flow & Velocity
Ultraflow 150 Flow Monitor
The Ultraflow Model 150 is a non-contacting gas flow and temperature monitor for CEMS and Stack Air Monitoring. The system measures the tran -
Manual & Automatic Stack Testing Equipment
Durag D-R 220 Dust and Opacity Monitor
Durag has decided to discontinue the D-R 220 by 31.12.2024 without replacement. If you still need the D-R 220, you can order it until 30.09 -
Manual & Automatic Stack Testing Equipment
Durag D-R 250 Dust Monitor – Combined Probe
The DURAG D-RX 250 is certified dust monitor, combined with a flow, temperature and absolute pressure measurement for monitoring of small to -
Dust & Particulate Monitors
Durag D-R 290 Optical opacity-dust monitor
The DURAG D-R 290 has been used successfully for more than 15 years in various applications as reliable and low maintenance opacity / dust m
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