Utilising FTIR technology, the Gasmet CEMS II e Gas analyser can measure up to 50 different gas components simultaneously, including but not limited to H2O, CO2, CO, NO, NO2, N2O, SO2, HCl, HF, NH3, CH4 and speciated VOC’s.
The Gasmet CEMS II e is ideal for measuring trace concentrations of pollutants in wet, corrosive gas streams.
Its typical application is monitoring of waste incinerator or large combustion plants.
Measured gases/particulates and calibration ranges can be changed to suit the application.
All parts of the Gasmet CEMS II e can be heated up to 180 ºC.
It can be used for undiluted gases and the sample gases do not need drying beforehand.
The Gasmet CEMS II e consists of:
- Gasmet FTIR gas analyzer
- Gasmet industrial computer, and
- Gasmet sampling system.
As an option the system can be equipped with ZrO2 oxygen analyzer and/or with total hydrocarbon analyzer (FID). All parts of the system are 19” rack mounted and are installed on the pull-out shelves.
The Gasmet CEMS II e includes all power connections and temperature controllers for heated lines and heated sample probe. Operation of the system is fully automatic and controlled by the Calcmet software. Additionally all functions of CEMS II e can be controlled manually.
- Low need for maintenance
- No span calibrations required (automated span checks possible)
- Hot-extractive-sampling; no sample loss or change of composition
- Capability to water soluble compounds like HCl, HF, NH3, etc.
- TOC (Total Organic Carbon) measured with FTIR – no need for a separated FID
- Fully automated measurement system with comprehensive safety functions
- Ready for future requirements – new compounds can be added without any hardware changes
- Fully modular system built to customer specification
- TÜV (17th BlmSchV) and MCERTS certified
- Waste Incinerators
- Waste to Energy Plants
- Cement Kilns
- Power Plants
- Brick & Glass Manufacturing
- Aluminium and Steel Smelters
- Greenhouse Gas emissions.