The COMTEC 6000 is an In Situ analyzer for measurement of oxygen and COe (sum of unburned molecules such as carbon monoxide, methane or hydrogen) in flue and process gases. This enables the redundant measurement of both gases with high accuracy in real time. This is achieved by combining the ENSITU MXP sensor for COe analysis with the technology of ENSITU MLT sensor which measures oxygen content.The COMTEC 6000 ensures combustion optimisation through accurate and reliable gas analysis. Both sensors are located within the process, as the probe is installed directly in the flue gas duct. This allows for fast and continuous flue gas data collection, creating a fast response rate to changes in the flue gas composition. The analyzer was designed was to be maintenance free, with minimal calibration requirements and complete user-friendliness. Furthermore high costs for investment and maintenance, especially when comparing to extractive analyzers, can be avoided.
– InSitu measurements in real-time.
– Accuracy deviation of the ENSITU MLT sensor of only 0,2 % of the measured value.
– Maintenance-free thanks to the robust construction and superior technology.
– Gas-tight sensor design for a safe and durable operation.
– System History memory and sensor life display.
– Self monitoring of the device functions.