Portable gas analyzers comprise a significant portion of the Nova Analytical product line. These types of instruments are generally used for intermittent or temporary analysis of individual sample points in a facility.
The small size of portable analyzers limits the available internal space for sample conditioning components. This means that they are not equipped to do long-term analysis of challenging sample gases. However, they are ideal for spot-check and tuning applications.
Gases analysed: O2, CO, CO2, , CH4, H2, NO, NO2, NOx, SO2, Dew Point, LEL Combustibles, NH3, Hydrocarbons, He, Temperature, Velocity, SF6, HCI, CI2, Multi-Gas Combinations
- Flue Gas & Emissions Analyzers
- Landfill Gas Analyzers / Biogas Analyzers
- Power Generation and Hydrogen Purity
- Heat-Treating and Metal Finishing Analyzers
- Syngas Analyzer Models
- Process Gas Analysis
- Steel-Making Analyzers
- Other Energy Intensive and Remote Location Analyzers
- OTM – Optical Temperature Measurement
- OVM – Optical Velocity Measurement
- Ambient Air Analysis
- Portable Engine Exhaust Analyzers
- Controlled Atmosphere Analyzers
- Sample Conditioning Systems
- Special Applications and Analyzer Ideas
- Portable Gas Analyzers
- Continuous Gas Analyzers
- Hazardous Area Analyzers