LUFFT WS700-UMB Smart Weather Sensor – Temperature, Relative Humidity, Precipitation, Solar Radiation, Air Pressure, Wind, Electronic Compass
Lufft’s WS700-UMB Smart Weather Sensor for measuring of air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation intensity, precipitation type, precipitation quantity, air pressure, wind direction, wind Speed and radiation. Relative humidity is measured by means of a capacitive sensor element; a precision NTC measuring element is used to measure air temperature. Precipitation is measured by a 24 GHz Doppler radar, which measures the drop speed of an individual drop of rain/snow. Precipitation quantity and intensity are calculated from the correlation between drop size and speed. The difference in drop speed determines the type of precipitation (rain/snow). Measurement output can be accessed by the following protocols: UMB-Binary, UMB-ASCII, SDI-12, MODBUS. One external temperature sensor is connectable.
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