WS304-UMB Smart Weather Sensor
Compact all-in-one weather sensor for measurement of temperature, relative humidity, radiation and air pressure.
From the WS product family of professional intelligent measurement transducers with digital interface for environmental applications. Integrated design with ventilated radiation protection for measuring: Air temperature, relative humidity, radiation and air pressure. One external temperature or rain sensor is connectable.
- Parameters measured: Temperature, relative humidity, radiation and air pressure
- Measurement technology: NTC/T, Capacitive/RH, Tiltable Pyranometer Lufft/Radiation, MEMS capacitive/Pressure
- Product highlights: Compact all-in-one weather sensor, low power, aspirated radiation shield, maintenance-free operation, open communication protocol
- Interfaces: RS485 with supported protocols UMB-Binary, UMB-ASCII, Modbus-RTU, Modbus-ASCII, XDR and optional SDI-12