The DURAG D-RX 250 is certified dust monitor, combined with a flow, temperature and absolute pressure measurement for monitoring of small to medium dust concentrations in dry flue gas and process gas.
Key Benefits
- Only one probe / mounting hole in the exhaust duct
- Allows calibration to measure the dust concentration in mg/m3
- Compact design, no moving parts, no consumables
- Allows calibration to flow in m3/h
- LCD displays measured values
- 4 analog output signals
- Parameters are set at the control device without a PC
- Control and evaluation unit can be located in a distance up to 1000m
Suitable for dust mass concentration measurement
- at incineration in general,
- at installations according 2000/76/EC WID / 17 BImschV
- at garbage, hazardous waste incinerators,
- at facilities for cement production
- at installations according 2001/80/EC LCPD / 13 BImschV / Clean Air Act
- at power stations with gas, oil, coal or co-firing
- at installations for the incineration of biomass
- at facilities pursuant to 27th BImschV
Suitable for monitoring of filter systems
The measurement principle is not suitable for use directly behind electrostatic filters.