Thomson Environmental Systems have supplied and installed Automatic Weather Stations all over Australia. Customised to meet your requirements TES will create a meteorological monitoring solution that is user friendly, rugged and reliable. Select or modify the Complete TES Automatic Weather Station which includes:
- Lufft Smart Weather Sensors
- TES Met Master Pro 1000 Data Logger
- 2m or 10m Mast
- Modem for Remote access and SMS alerts
- Mains or Solar Power
Available Parameters with Lufft All-in-one Sensors: Wind Speed and Direction, Temperature, Relative Humidity, Air Pressure, Precipitation, Solar Radiation and Lightning. TES Met Master Pro 1000 Key Features: User friendly and reliable, Push or poll data, CSV data format, two programmable relays, Visual Master Pro software for remote live data viewing and download, and instrument control and programming. Visit our Lufft Sensors and MMP1000 webpages for more details or contact us for RENTAL or PURCHASE pricing and Dust Monitor integration options.